$5000 tax credit to purchase a car? I wish the scooter indusustry had lobbiests.

Wed, Jan 21, 2009


Kate Schott from the Daily-Chronicle.com reports that U.S. Rep. Don Manzullo wants to “stimulate the economy” by offering buyers $5,000 to purchase a new car / truck or $2000 to purchase a used one.  No according to what I have read, not a new American car… not a high efficency car, just a car.  It has to be priced at less than $50,000 and you’re not eligeable if you make more than a quarter million dollars a year.  What he ultimately would like to do is make the funds available as vouchers so you can buy that car right away.

Manzullo’s “Get America Moving Act” (H.R. 550) would cost tax payers a scant $75 BILLION dollars and would, “bring relief to families struggling throughout the nation”.

I think Manzullo should stick with issues like promoting transparency, accountability and reform (H.R. 557), THAT’S something I can get behind unless you want to give me $5000 to buy a new scooter (gas or electric) and I’ll be the happiest tax payer on the block!  I’ll add a side car and use it to get groceries, take the kids to school, take the family to the park and when gas is up to $3.00 again I’ll be feelin’ fine.

(too bad there’s no American made scooter, eh?)

2 Responses to “$5000 tax credit to purchase a car? I wish the scooter indusustry had lobbiests.”

  1. Old Man Says:

    Yeah, you know the government has been taking to much of your money when they offer to “give” some of it back to you.


  2. Steve Says:

    :D – AHAhaha! That’s funny, Old Man.
    You know though… I like the idea of them giving it back to me than giving it to a big bank CEO. If he looses his Jet, so what. If I loose my house… it’s gonna be kinda ugly.


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