Vote for Whiskey!

Tue, Oct 6, 2009


Scooter vixen and girlfriend of Casey, Emily Strange, comes to you as Princess Leia comes to Obi Wan… except, I guess, in this case I play the role of R2D2. I present you with this plea:

Hello scooter friends!

Ms. Whiskey is in a contest to be the National Spokesdog for The Dog Whisperer. If you donate $5 or more Whiskey could appear with Cesar in a public service campaign and also win lots of cool prizes. All donations support the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of dogs nationwide. Whiskey has a good chance of winning her category, so we would really appreciate your support in making her a celebrity. (Help me Scoopers, you’re my only hope!)

Well! What are you going to do?! Sit around some dusty moisture farm putting up with your grumpy old uncle and scrubbin’ droids for the rest of your life? HECK NO! You need to get out there and become a Jedi like your father! Or at least get out there and vote for Whiskey, for the love of Dogs and the scootergirls who love em. Last day to vote is quickly approaching! (just 10 days to go).
Oh, and once there was this guy who had EVERYTHING; a nice scooter collection, girlfriend / gourmet chef / masseuse, bartender best friend and he didn’t vote for Whiskey… you know what happen to him? Jar Jar Binks… I’m not sayin’ it could happen to you, it’s just something to think about. Thanks for the consideration!


4 Responses to “Vote for Whiskey!”

  1. gas scooter parts Says:

    Thank you for sharing and I will be vote for this Whiskey


  2. ScooterScoop Says:

    Come on "gas scooter parts"… REALLY?


  3. Casey Cook Says:

    Our little baybee turken is gonna' be famous!


  4. Emily is Strange Says:

    The contest actually ends on October 31st. Go Whiskey!


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