The Kiss scooter – Is it better than its video?

Wed, Feb 24, 2010

Funny, News, Scooter

The Kiss scooter – Is it better than its video?

I don’t pretend to know everything about every scooter, so you should forgive me when I say that I’ve never heard of the Crossrunner brand out of Alpharetta, Georgia. I doubt you have either, until NOW that is. I only ask that if you watch this video that you refrain from taking out your aggressions on us… we are ONLY the messengers. We will not be held responsible for nausea, vomiting, or accidental death due to the viewing of this video. This promo piece delicately walks the line between a meme and lame and then finally falls over like a drunk, 80 pound, freshman the midnight of his first frat party who later wakes up in a pool of what appears to be manicotti; his face deftly stenciled in a black Sharpie pirate motif .  I was a Kiss fan in the early 80′s and I will probably end up riding one of these on my inevitable decent into Abaddon for posting this here.

Thanks(?) to UpdateOrDie for the scoop.
***UPDATE 4 hours later***
Seems Alicia or someone in the Crossrunner camp didn’t appreciate the press, so the video was yanked off of Youtube. :( Sorry. I guess my teasing was a bit harsh. Now I feel bad. *Depressingly eats a whole container of B&J’s Coffee Heath Bar Crunch*

4 Responses to “The Kiss scooter – Is it better than its video?”

  1. fs8gbe Says:

    that…hurt my brain.


  2. ripleyradio2.0 Says:

    WOOOOW! Someone feels a little embarrassed about there video it was pulled. Before I could see it. Sad Panda


  3. Bill Power Says:

    Just a bunch of re-branded ZNEN scooters. Same ones that Fly and Lance sell.


  4. blitz Says:

    looks like chineese copy of old honda joker
    as we say in russia : “kitaiskoe gavno”
    by the way. where can i see this video?


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