Creative inspiration for your cub

Mon, Jun 28, 2010


You know, the Japanese like to blow my mind… and I’m good with that.  Well, they did it again today (thanks to Henry for the research inspiration).  This time it was in the form of a fleet of hot custom cubs.  Cone Custom Cycles has some savory customs on their site, including the Wood Luck, seen above and in the magazines.  When you’re done with that one, wipe off yer chin and check out some other bike shops they mention like EasyRiders Japan and Cuby!

Another one of my favorites from Cone Customs, the Unicone.

5 Responses to “Creative inspiration for your cub”

  1. Dave Says:

    OOOH knaked scooter porn drool drool


  2. Tim Says:

    I would love to be able to do this. Step one – learn to weld. I’ll get back to you.


  3. honadacubber Says:

    It is amazing what they do to these bikes!
    Have you seen the Extended Cub Club?


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