Honda PCX get’s a test ride in the USA

Wed, Aug 25, 2010


(BLAH! I took the video out because it was not readily customizable and auto-played a Kawasaki commercial)
Gabe from Motorcycle-USA takes the brand new 2011 Honda PCX out for a spin in California and interviews John Seidel from Honda about where this bike fits into Honda America’s line up. Enjoy!

2 Responses to “Honda PCX get’s a test ride in the USA”

  1. Tim Says:

    It looks kinda small to me or is the rider just a really big guy?


  2. CliveP Says:

    Saw one here. Parked beside it and my S-Wing 125 is huge in comparison which I much prefer so yes it is quite small but stil looks great.

    Wouldn’t want to go on the motorway with it though. Even the S-WIng feels a bit odd there but gets along quite well enough.


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