30. November 2007


How to make the world’s roads bigger…

Caught this while stumbling through the internet. The image shows how much space it takes to transport the same number of humans via car, bus and bicycle. Look how that traffic jam clears RIGHT on up. You could substitute scooters for bikes in that last shot… or at least mopeds. See how much bigger the road is now? Nice.

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30. November 2007


Ouch my eye! YEEOUCH my WALLET!

Mark B. was scanning the Craigslist today with his normal keyword of “Vespa” and THIS thing popped out and stuck him in the eyeball… to which he responded “YEEOUCH! Steve’ll get a kick outta this.”

I think initially he was struck by the hobgoblin paint scheme, until he saw the asking price… $4400 US! I mean, it’s a ’66 and looks to be in great shape… but you gotta be IN LOVE with that paint to spring $44 Franklins on her. I know there is SOMEONE out there who’d go there. Is it you?

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30. November 2007


Stellas are on the way!

Just got word from a VERY reliable source that the first few hundred 2008 Stellas are expected in January with more arriving later in spring. How exciting is THAT?!

Look for them in these delicious flavors: Tangerine, Red, Black and new for 2008 POWDER BLUE (seen here) and AVOCADO with whitewall tires (to be seen soon). I understand that tangerine, Red, and White sidecars will be available in limited quantities, so you’ll wanna get on that list early if you’re down with a little sidecar action. Here are some more highlights for the 2008 Stella:

Cleaner emissions
Improved paint
New Halogen Headlamp
New improved shocks
Zippy 1 Continental tires
Italian Grimeca Disc

The expected MSRP is $3399.00

I also understand that only a select group of dealers who have been trained specifically on
Stella at Genuine’s service school will be involved. Spiffy! You’ll have a place to go to get service!

One more glance of the Powder Blue beauty before we go!

***UPDATE 11/29/07***
Illnoise over at 2strokebuzz is in Genuine’s neck of the woods and has even more nitty gritty details on the Stellas as well as what’s up with the Blur, and an introduction to a new edition to the family. Go here to read up on it.

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27. November 2007


Vespa child seats – certain to make someone faint

Howdy folks! While trying to kick start TheScooterScoop again after a long Thanksgiving break we ran into some cool posts elsewhere, including some accessories that are sure to scare some people (including myself). I personally can’t stand the thought of sliding down the pavement on my butt / chest / side, but the thought of my little munchkins doing it chills me to the bone. Now I present to you, the modern Vespa child seat as discovered by 2StrokeBuzz (title link). If you want one it’ll cost you over $300 US and ALL of your parental cred. You can order it from the appropriately named ScooterCrazy website.

So, what do you do if you have a classic Vespa? Buy this:

Found it on eBAY some time ago. This folding child “novelty” seat sold for $110.00.

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25. November 2007


R/C Scooter in time for the holidays

I’m a bit confused by this one. It’s a remote control scooter… but it’s from the UK and the package says “Mod Moped”. Huh?! There are not pedals on this motorbike… well, that’s beside the point. This little toy is available from Gadgets & Gizmos in the UK for about $41 US and is described on their site like this:

Scoot along in style with this radio controlled Mod Moped! If you ever did that Mod / Rocker thing, like The Who and either owned or wanted to own a Vespa, then this is the product for you!

Might provide hours of fun, at least until the snow melts and you can get back on your real scooter. Thanks to S.A. over at The new Cafe (racer) Society for pointing us over to GeekAlerts for the scoop!

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20. November 2007


Ugh… REPRIEVE! We need a break from the stomach bug!

(couldn’t find an image of a barfing snowman)
I know it’s been kinda slow around here lately and I’m WAY behind on my emails (sorry), but I have an excuse… the whole fam has a gut bug that’s reeking havoc on the Steve household. I even had to cancel a caving trip for tonight. I’m hoping I’m back in the saddle by Thanksgiving and posting again shortly after. I don’t wanna miss out on all the grubbin’ and I don’t want YOU to miss out on The Scoop!

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