3. March 2008


Coming up!

Originally uploaded by m_w_scott

Alrighty then! We’ve got some things planned for later this week… We’ll finally have our Indi Dealer Expo coverage posted. The difference from our coverage versus the 2StrokeBuzz coverage, is that ours will be from a booth-keepers standpoint. Last year TheScooterScoop was covering the show from a press standpoint. Which was more fun? You’ll have to tune in to find out (you’ve probably already guessed).

I will also be posting the results to our Market Survey of “The Perfect Scooter”. We’ve had over 300 respondents already, and you may be surprised by the results (no, REALLY!).

I’m hoping to have 500 respondents before I let the cat out of the bag. Be sure to tell your scootmates to give it a shot before we close it out! See ya then!

***UPDATE 3/5/08***
A BIG thanks to photographer Mike Scoot, er Scott for taking the excellent photo seen here. Another case where should have asked for permission instead of forgiveness. Thank you for sharing Scott!

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29. February 2008


A little more Suzuki Gemma eye candy.

No, sorry. No news on the eminent release of Suzuki’s 2007 concept scooter, but we do have a few new images of their “lead sled” here thanks to the Tokyo Scooter Stuff guys (title link) and yasukun2 (for the YouTube video). I kinda dig it still.

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29. February 2008


Brief market survey – Design your perfect scooter

Hey scooter fanatics!

Imagine if you will, the chance to build the scooter of your DREAMS! How would it look? What sort of displacement, tires, fuel would it have? How much would it cost? The answer to these questions and MORE are in your head. Now we just need to get them out.

Please take a few minutes to complete our very brief and tiny survey. I doubt it will take you more than 6 minutes. It will be greatly appreciated.

Click Here to take survey

Thank you!

PS> It would be REAL cool if you could ask your friends at your local newsgroup, forum or pub to participate too!

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27. February 2008


Most "out there" modern Italian scooter design

I’ve been following this post on ModernVespa (title link) called “Fastest Looking Scooter” and submitted a few myself, but I was struck with fear by the sight above. I’ve never seen anything like it (and it’s not new). This is the Aprilia Area 51. There was DEFINITELY some alien technology that went into this baby or at least into the drugs being used by the executive who approved this. I’m not calling it ugly, I’m just saying this baby is BIZARRE! Bravo Aprilia! I didn’t think you had it in you.

You know, I was thinking (because I do that once in a while). If the Space Age was like the late 50′s early 60′s and someone was selling you something built with “Space Age Technology”… Wouldn’t it be kinda old? Wouldn’t you rather something built with “Data Age Technology”? or “Nano Age Technology”? Just curious.

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27. February 2008

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Another lost "star studded" Honda commercial

You could do a search to find the others. I don’t know what the count is up to, but Honda used to REALLY hawk some scooters back in the 80′s.

Don’t forget Sandra’s follow up spot:

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27. February 2008


Sigh… I just never get enough pimped out scooters from Japan

I was over at the Goo auto & motorbike page (title link… and no, I didn’t make up the name “Goo”, that’s what it’s really called), reviewing the 2006 and 2007 Tokyo Motorcycle Show photos and came across a couple of cool / unique ones.

First check out the Mastermind Maxam. Lots of black, lots of gold and a cool custom seat.

I think if I were coaxed, I could easily become a Ruckus Rider. It seems the customs are virtually endless. Check the crazy headlight configuration.

Eh… It’s different. It’s got a towing hitch. Maybe it’s used to pull a boat or something.

These are the LARGEST Ruckus accessories I’ve ever seen. Shield in the front and fridge in the back… no back… right… look up just a bit… ok, now to the left. See the fridge? Sheesh! I can’t take you anywhere.

For more where these came from click on the title link.

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