We have a secondary news correspondent!

Tue, Oct 25, 2005


Please join me in welcoming Fred Brown as The Scooter Scoop’s latest news correspondent during my absence. I was really feeling bad keeping the scooter scoop fans in the cold while I take care of the new infink and do some business traveling. I was talking it over with Fred and he has so graciously offered to step in and keep the ship sailing while I walk the plank and shiver some timbers and hoist the sails and bait the hooks, etc.

THANKS FRED! Scooterists around the world thank you for helping us avert daily internet boredom!


2 Responses to “We have a secondary news correspondent!”

  1. Nate Says:

    Damm! For lack of asking- and of course lack of time between work and college and familial obligations, I could have been a correspondent!

    I’m certain that Fred will do a bang up job and keep this blog motoring along just dandy.

    Welcome aboard Fred!


  2. Steve Guzman Says:

    HAHA! Hey Nate! Let us know if you can get rid of one of those other little side interests… Work… college… family… Whatever works for you. Thanks!



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