2005 – The Scooter Scoop Year in Review

Tue, Dec 27, 2005


Before I break down a long winded 2005, I want to say thanks to all the readers out there for keeping me inspired. An especially big shout-out goes to our regular readers, contributors and commentors. Keep us in your “Favorites” folder or subscribe to our RSS feed and we’ll keep dishing out the scoops. Oh yeah, you can even subscribe to the posts for real-time e-mail updates. Look for the Feedblitz link in the right-hand column.

Now then…

April 9th, 2005. A little scooter blog started up as an offshoot of a personal blog that was becoming over run with scooter blab.

Also in April, Austin began growing more scooter outlets including a Vespa boutique and a moped shop, as well as a couple of new scooter restoration shops.

Rising gas prices piqued the interest of the American commuter, making them think about shedding that SUV for a scooter.

We heard rumors of a massive 850cc Piaggio scooter and… rumor has it to expect LOTS of new and exciting scooter models in 2007. Look for announcements around September 2006.

We also saw the first ultrasounds of the expected return of the Lambretta. Expecting birth announcements late 2006.

We saw Yamaha push the envelope in American scooter style. Bravo for them! Thanks for taking a chance on us Americans. We really are worthy of cool scooter stuff. Companies like Yamaha are going to help keep America a little more up with the times so we won’t have to look at Japan and Europe with jealous eyes.

We saw lots of news and press around Piaggio and Aprilia.

We saw the assorted ramblings and political rants from Steve and discussed things like roofed scooters, tiny scooters and… Hatsumi.

We toured the world of 2-wheeled oddities and enjoyed a big steaming bowl of Japan’s primordial scooter soup; teeming with juicy bits of commercial oddballs from Honda. MMmmm MMMM!

We talked about the possibilities of Sachs re-entering the US moped business with the introduction of the MadAss and later announced their arrival in-port (stay tuned for more).

In August we introduced a few new helmet accessories, talked about prototypes and even posted a little video to test the vblogging waters (stay tuned for more here too).

We (I) marveled at the ingenuity of Andrew Gibbens and Royce Creasey with their ComforTmax. Great job guys!

Yamaha made the official announcement that we would see a Maxam/Morphous in the US soon.

Kymco announced that they were going BIG with the Xciting 500. I have yet to see one in person.

TN’G announced their Rutherfordton, NC assembly plant and with it, the first scooters ever built in America (hrm… that’s what they say, but what about the Cushman and the Topper?)

We almost got duped by the announcement of a 500cc Vespa… Shame on you, you cheeky monkeys.

In September there was more commentary than usual and there was the disappointing ’06 Honda line up. I still love you Honda!

I allowed myself to get worked up from reading a Troll’s message board rants… Sorry about that one, but it did give a little bit-o-insight into the minds of the scooter haters in the USA.

CBS News even did a TV spot on Scooters. Great job on your interview Bev!

Also in September, TSS gave you the scoop with the FIRST Yamaha Morphous test ride and review from an American site (HERE).

In October we had Paris Moto Show coverage courtesy of Mike Werner over at news.motorbiker.org. Thanks again Mike!

We also heard about the biggest Vespa to date… the GTS 250ie.

We reached 20,000 hits and I sort of abandoned my personal blog… especially after my lovely wife gave birth to our 11.5lbs baby boy.

Exxon also had a good month, announcing THE LARGEST QUARTERLY PROFIT IN US CORPORATE HISTORY. *errhrmm… excuse me.

Canada had a good month with new laws to make life easier for scooterists.

In November there was the Frappr! Map and more photos than you could shake a stick at. Also oddities out the wazoo! People were giving away scooters with the purchase of a new condo.

The rear-view helmet was introduced and we found out that Sachs has more in store than the 50cc moped… like a 500cc moped. It was a fun month over all.

Finally, here in December we learned about the early April ’06 re-introduction of the Italjet Dragster (and others).

Peugeot showed off its smokin’ little 125cc monster the Jet Force Compressor. JOY!

We saw a bunch of cool junk you just can’t get in the USA.

We brought up some exciting new designs from Michelin and Aprilia.

We got excited at all the new moped announcements from Tomos and Sachs.

Scooters hit retail store shelves and a bunch of other cool crap.

So here we are… Right around 48,000 hits later. The outlook for ’06 is bright, especially toward the end of the year with anticipated announcements from just about everyone. Rest assured that we’ll keep dishing out the scoop on scooters. Scoot on!

Best wishes and Happy New Year!
The Scooter Scoop Staff

2 Responses to “2005 – The Scooter Scoop Year in Review”

  1. Nate Says:

    Happy New Year to you and your family. Keep up the great work w/ TSS, its become one of my favorite spots.


  2. Steve Guzman Says:

    Thank you for the feedback and Happy New Year to you too.


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