Suzuki Gemma – They are considering a cruiser scooter of their own

Wed, Oct 24, 2007


(see that thing that looks like a third seat up front? That’s where you stow your helmet… and in some countries, it’s actually a third seat.)

Arigato to Skorj over at for hookin’ us up with the goods straight from the Toyko Motor Show 2007. The show opens to the public this weekend, but since you couldn’t be there in person, we want to make up for it by giving you some exclusive preview shots. This particular shot is a media photo of the Suzuki Gemma concept.

Chris over at MCN had this write up on the Gemma

Suzuki has just revealed the Gemma concept scooter due to be unveiled at this weekend’s Tokyo Show.

The 250cc four-stroke scooter has a long, low riding position designed specifically to transport two adults around a city in comfort, according to Suzuki. The large dual seat is almost completely flat to keep rider and passenger weight low, and a large lockable cubby hole in front of the rider is big enough to take a helmet.

The Gemma is currently just a concept, but the concept appears well developed enough to reach production if the Japanese public like the idea.

(Here’s a shot from the back showing that unique ‘engulfed’ rear tire and swing arm)

(and here’s the dash)

Could this baby give the Helix and the Morphous a run for their money? Forget competing in the Gymkhana on this thing though. I saw how the Big Ruckus faired. It was like watching a rhinoceros play a game of Twister. This baby is like an aircraft carrier or a two-wheeled school bus.

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5 Responses to “Suzuki Gemma – They are considering a cruiser scooter of their own”

  1. dudel Says:

    Suzuki is making a mistake. Rather than responding to the low-quality Chinese scoot invasion with an outstanding product such as a well-balanced lightweight 49cc scoot with aluminum frame and superior transmissions with a de-restricted top speed of 65mph (think Italjet Speedster but better) Suzuki poops out the “Let’s 5″ 49cc scoot with drum brakes – rather than discs – to keep costs down.

    Unless the “Let’s 5″ is simply a rebranded Chinese scooter.


  2. GenWaylaid Says:

    The Gemma looks sweeeeet. I only wish lighter, more compact scooters were available in this “laid-back” style. I live in apartments where we only get one parking spot apiece, and I had a hell of a time trying to maneuver anything bigger than a Honda Cub into the leftover space in front of my car.


  3. Steve Says:

    Yeah Dudel, the Let’s 5 is no upgrade from the Let’s 4…. As a matter of fact, the Let’s 4 Basket is actually useful.

    I also agree Genwaylaid. I was on the fence at first, but now I like it. Maybe you should sell your vehicle… get a Smart and you’ll have room for a Gemma right up front. I don’t know where you’d put your top soil… or more than 1 passenger, but it’s an idea.


  4. Anonymous Says:

    Looks like everybodys’ tryin’ to replace the Helix except Honda. I own a Helix and a Morphous so it’s no surprise to me that I LOVE the look of the Gemma. These long and low scoots have a terrific ride and hold more gas than the others. My Morph holds nearly 4 gallons. I hope they produce these. I MIGHT be able to squeeze a 3rd scoot in the garage…….


  5. Steve Says:

    The low rider collection, eh? That would SO rock. I really REALLY am considering buying back my old Helix and throwing some customs on it.


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