Look at Arkansas! Working for better 2-wheeled parking.

Wed, Aug 27, 2008


(AR just wants some love for 2-wheelers like they show in San Diego. Source Urban Review STL)

Wow! “Big-ups” to the Fayetteville Revolution Scooter Club! I saw in the news that they’re seeking out signatures on their online petition to create more designated parking for 2-wheelers!

“More parking for scooters and motorcycles encourages more scooter transportation, which reduces our carbon imprint on the world,” said Quentin Daniel, spokesman for the scooter club. “Plus, if there was a spot where five scooters could fit, as opposed to taking up one parking spot, that would leave more parking for other cars.”

Respect to Vespa for facilitating the move via their Vespatition campaign meant to encourage city officials to accommodate more scooter parking, promoting a healthier environment, lower congestion, and maybe increase scooter sales a little bit.

Of course Arkansas currently has special provisions for small bore scooters (<50cc) allowing them to park on sidewalks like bicycles, so a change like this makes even more sense. Get them in parking spots before the sidewalks are too congested for pedestrians.

If you want to get something started for YOUR city, check out the Vespanomics site. You don’t need to have a Vespa. If you’ve got a Hog or a Honda, doesn’t matter, as long as you support the cause.

6 Responses to “Look at Arkansas! Working for better 2-wheeled parking.”

  1. JO. A. BORRAS Says:

    Sweet – this will be a major step forward. Know of any “motorbike/scooter lane” petitions going around? It sucks that we have bicycle lanes everywhere and can’t use them on a 50 cc.


  2. Scooter Says:

    This is huge. I think that this trend will catch on in major cities soon.


  3. fat tony Says:

    6 out of 7 bikes in that picture are FUGLY!


  4. Anonymous Says:

    This is great. My favorite sub-title was, “The famous Japanese motorcycle barrels for love, friendship and noodle.”.

    Dan in Milwaukee


  5. L.Font Says:

    Hi, again I can tell you that in Spain the exclusive park lanes for motorbikes is a common since time ago.
    You can find a Busa parked together with a Daelim o similar everyday.
    But these parking lanes not always are respected by cars that have to be towed away.
    I can take some photos here in Alicante and send them to you.


  6. Anonymous Says:

    Hey this is Quentin Daniel from the Fayetteville Revolution Scooter Club. Thanks for the post!
    Come check us out at… http://www.myspace.com/fayettevillescooterclub


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