Rally weekend for the TSS staff

Sat, Oct 4, 2008


(As at every good rally, there will be mischief making of one sort or another. Flickr/Crash66)

Apologies for the slow posts. I’m sure I’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do, but not ’til after the yearly San Antonio 3rd Coast Rally festivities. If you’re gonna be there please “slap me some skin”.

I’m riding down with one of my fellow Hooligans tomorrow morning with a 7am departure from Austin. It should be BRISK!

Look for a few updates in my Zannel Panel over there on the right.

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One Response to “Rally weekend for the TSS staff”

  1. scgt Says:

    Sure hate to miss all that fun under the sun; but since we’ve just got ‘caned again, most of us are just slowly gettin’ back towards normal. So we will see y’all at the next one, Steve!–Lorenzo


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