What’s better for the environment, a scooter or a car?

Sun, Mar 22, 2009


Cecil from
TheStraightDope.com takes on this common conundrum with a level-headed look at the facts.  I could spoil it for you, but I think the whole story makes for fine reading.  You might be surprised by his answer, I was pretty comfortable with it and I think he finally puts this argument to bed, at least for now.

Thanks to Thomas Humphrey for the scoop!

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8 Responses to “What’s better for the environment, a scooter or a car?”

  1. Rex J. Covington Says:

    All that matters only if you believe in Global Warming!


  2. Anonymous Says:

    A scooter is better for the environment because it put out less carbon emissions that a car would .
    A average carbon emission of the average family sedan would put out a least 4 ton , a scooter 2 ton of carbon emissions , a the same time you save money on fuel compared to a car .


  3. Brouhaha Says:

    Ugh, Steve, put it to bed? Hardly. That article is SO flawed, I don’t know where to begin. Let’s start by once again using that old “Scooters and small motorcycles” data. Look it up, that data is for 2 strokes only, and includes MOTORCYCLES. No conclusions can be reached on this issue without using modern vespa numbers and those would absolutely blow cars and SUVs out of the water.


  4. ScooterScoop Says:

    Thanks for writing in. Are you saying that Global Warming is like Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy? I’m no environmental scientist, so I don’t know if we are the cause of a melting ice shelf, but I’ve always felt that it’s not a good idea to add stuff to the environment. It might upset some sort of balance.

    Good to hear from you (even IF it was ’cause I rattled yer cage). ;)

    You know why I ended up agreeing with the article? Because they said

    “…scooters CAN LEGALLY emit about 5.7 times more CO than cars, nearly 24 times more unburned hydrocarbons, and infinitely more NOx and real-world testing suggests they do run pretty dirty.”

    So, he’s not saying that they DO pollute more, just that Federal standards ALLOWS them to pollute more.

    I would find it hard to believe that a modern Yamaha pollutes more than a Suburban and have even considered doing some independent studies on the subject. Just need to find the time / financing to do it.

    Thanks for keepin’ me sharp! I had to re-read it to make sure I hadn’t completely lost my mind.


  5. Ron Says:

    The biggest flaw seems to be the 2-stroke thing. The second biggest flaw is throughput through the engine, i.e. emissions per mile traveled. The third biggest flaw is actual use, so that even with a very poorly running mid-60′s Vespa, the actual use of it might be so slight (fun rides) to justify it’s use completely. Also remember that the same scooter in use for 10 to 40 years ensures that the scooter is not remade over and over again. God knows I’m still looking for that perfect barn find!


  6. Sploader Says:

    The globe has been cooling since 1997. That’s why you don’t hear the term “global warming” anymore. It’s now called “climate change.” With the name change, any deviation in temperature can now be attributed to humans… Not just warming.


  7. Tim Says:

    The only green I care about is the green I get to keep in my pocket. That’s why I scoot as much as I can.


  8. Rex J. Covington Says:


    I'm almost 51 now and they have call it many things over the last 30 years. I even remember when they said we were going to have an ice age in the 70's and it never happen.
    The planet has been through a lot worse than us & we have the Conceit to think that somehow we're a threat to the planet.
    It's all BS to me.
    Lets just live our life's, ride our cycles, and be happy. Life to short to worry about something we can not do anything about.


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