Spending the Summer in the garage

Wed, Jun 10, 2009


(how I feel when I’m building something)
Summertime is in full swing here in beautiful / hot Austin, Texas.  I know not that long ago I had mentioned a redesign / relaunch, but to tell ya the truth I need some time off.  I’ve got about three or four more involved stories that I’m working on right now and once those are done I’ll be up to my elbows in motor oil (or hanging with the family at the pool, or standing in front of a flaming grill, or tilling the organic garden, or having drinks with the folks at the carbon-neutral happy hour, or smokin’ a rude cigar, or doing yoga, or soaking up some coffee or music, or researching wind turbines, or hiking in the hill county, or practicing my ukulele, or enjoying our amazing world, or…)
I apologize to my good friends (that’s YOU) who have tried to get in contact with me lately or have been waiting patently for a new story.  I’m sure you’ve had times where you need to just “disconnect”, right?  Well, I need that right now.  
I’m sure there will be moments where I’ve just GOT to post something cool, but until then I raise my Shiner and say “Ride hard, ride safe and keep the rusty side up!”

9 Responses to “Spending the Summer in the garage”

  1. Kendermore of רוי Says:

    Man, I certainly can relate to that. I need the time off myself at the moment. Anyway – have fun and relive your batteries :)
    If you ned help in picking up where you left…



  2. Tim Says:

    Do you need an interim scooper?


  3. Paul S Says:

    We missed you but everyone needs a break now and then.
    Take care.


  4. d.cone Says:

    Enjoy your break. Refuel, relax and enjoy your time. Your blog is one of my favorites!


  5. BrettaBret Says:

    've been reading the scoop for years.
    great stuff! you deserve a break.
    cheers mate!


  6. Seth Hershey Says:

    Mmm, Shiner is great, I raise mine too!


  7. fat tony Says:

    I just had my first vacation in 8 years of solid work. ;-( I had a whole two weeks off in Italy and it felt like an eternity! I feel like a slightly less grumpy person now.

    Everybody needs some time to unwind. Good for you! You go girl.


  8. irvus Says:

    Sayonara sucka.
    We'll see ya, when we see ya.
    Until then, it looks like Tim is volunteering to man the post. Give the kid a shot.


  9. Steve Williams Says:

    Disconnecting has a bad rap. All of us should do more of it. Tune out, turn off, and unplug.

    Have a great summer!

    Steve Williams
    Scooter in the Sticks


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