Ride to work MONDAY!

Fri, Jun 18, 2010


(Mod Rod was so excited that he wanted to get involved!)
It’s time to RIDE OUT! That’s right, you did it last year, Right? HELL, you probably do it everyday! But, Monday is the day to put on your calendar. Monday is the day to show the world that you are a two wheeled commuter and you LOVE it! We had about 50,000 bikes in Austin last weekend for the R.O.T. rally and I hope there are at LEAST 50,000 on the road this Monday. If you work from home, take your scooter to the coffee shop and grab a cup of water (on me).

Why the ride to work?  It demonstrates:

  • The number of motorcyclists to the general public and to politicians.
  • That motorcyclists are from all occupations and all walks of life.
  • That motorcyclists can reduce traffic and parking congestion in large cities.
  • That motorcycles are for transportation as well as recreation.
  • That motorcycling is a social good.
  • To BP that you don’t need no stinkin’ gas-guzzler, now come clean up your MESS!

Um… I got a little carried away and added that last one.  To find out more, go HERE>

8 Responses to “Ride to work MONDAY!”

  1. Pete Says:

    I ride to work all year on my HD200.
    It is about a 50 mile round trip from my home in Fort Worth to the DFW airport.
    I have a 45L top box where I keep my computer in (locked for those looking for one) and a bag that hooks on the back seat that I put clothes and everything that I need for my four day trip. I keep everything else at the airport that I need for my trip.

    Our family has one car and three bikes. We try and ride the bikes whenever we can. Our son sixteen will be riding his SYMBA to school next year. We usually do all local running around town on the bikes not becuase we have to but because it is so much fun.

    Thanks Steve for promoting “Ride to Work”


  2. Witch Says:

    But… I work at a motorcycle dealer now! I don’t work Mondays! There’s some irony for ya. I ride to work every other day, though. So do most of the other people who work there.


  3. Tim Says:

    Extra incentive to get my carb issues worked out today.


  4. Tim Says:

    I’m riding today! How about you?


  5. Amy Lynn Says:

    Shoot, I rode today (like a lot of other days) and I didn’t know about this. :) Yay for me. I ride about 21 miles to work one way and it’s a good ride. Today, I had green lights at about 75% of the intersections I go through and that almost NEVER happens!


  6. Steve Guzman Says:

    Hell YES! Way to go Amy! Shouts to all you who rode this morning! Those of you who didn’t because your off or at home watching the kids without a sidecar to haul them in? It’s all good. You can still “represent” during the afterwork rush hour. So, roll out there and pick up some Soy coffee creamer or a bag of edamame for later. (this message NOT brought to you by the soy industry… it’s just the first couple of things that popped into my head).

    Q: Is it still against grammatical law to end a sentence with a preposition? I just can’t make myself say “at home watching the kids without a sidecar in which to haul them”.


  7. ripleyradio2.0 Says:

    I rode today, and do every day the weather is permitting. I love my HD2005soft tail springer classic. And there will always be a soft spot in my heart for the scooter and the people who ride them!


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