Comment word verification = crappy

Tue, Nov 1, 2005


Within minutes of turning off word verification I got hit by the “doer bot”… Nine times.
I can’t wait until word verification is fixed so I don’t have to waste time killing doer comments, but if that’s what it takes so that YOU can post comments… it’s worth it. Seriously, we want to here how you feel about the posts. What you like, what you could use less of, if you have the inside scoop. Fill us in!

I’ve gotten some emails lately from people saying that the “Word Verification” option is driving them batty… Not one to enjoy driving people batty, except my wife, I have temporarily suspended this option and will have to delete spam manually.

I apologize to those of you who have tried to tango with that screwy word verification.


6 Responses to “Comment word verification = crappy”

  1. Cleat Says:

    I would vote for the verifier to be ON because it is a small irritant to keep a clean comment section… I am sure that there are many to disagree with that but I seriously don’t take umbrance with a clean and efficient blog… especially if the blogger can focus on the content instead of keeping idiots away.


  2. Steve Guzman Says:

    Ahaha… Thanks for the input Cleat! The problem actually goes deeper in that some people enter the verification code EXACTLY right, but the system is not accepting it. I’ve had at least 2 people mention it. I’m doing some research to see how it can be fixed. I know that they are using later versions of Internet Explorer and I’ve seen screenshots of the denial in progress. I hope to have it taken care of within the week.


  3. Nate Says:

    Haloscan comments are the answer! Spam free, free, easy to add to your template.


  4. Steve Guzman Says:

    I took a look at Haloscan. It has potential. The only hard part is the idea that I would have to loose my existing comments. If I don’t get a solution with blogger comments in 2 weeks, I’m swithcing.

    Two weeks because I’m outta town… Boston this week, Jacksonville next week.

    Thanks for the suggestion Nate!
    PS> Did you ever shake those other obligations? TheScooterScoop’s not very glamorous and doesn’t pay very well, but it HAS to be better than that work or college stuff.


  5. Sheila Says:

    Hi Steve – I left you a message on the Blogger site. I think the problem is caused when people reach your site from another site with frames, like BlogExplosion. I always have trouble then. When I open the site without the frames, the commenting has worked fine. Check it out and when people say they have problems, as them if they’re using BlogExplosion or other sites with frames.


  6. Steve Guzman Says:

    I have turned WordV back on for a little trouble shooting.

    Also, thanks for the reply Shelia. I did test that theory with 2 people and that didn’t help them though.

    If you’ve ever had problems posting a comment because of repeated Word Verification denials please let me know or see your local alcohol councilor.


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