Bachelorette test her date’s scooter skills

Tue, Jul 6, 2010


I’m personally not a Bachelorette fan, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to hate on any BacheloretteFans!  ESPECIALLY when they are discussing how their favorite show, Season 6 – Episode 7, will feature a scooter.  Here’s what they had to say about the event (Try to find it in your heart to forgive the “moped is a scooter” faux pas):

We know Chris Lambton is not good on horses. Now we know we can add scooters to that list. In a video sneak peek for Episode 7 of The Bachelorette, Ali and Chris take a ride through Portugal on a moped. Chris says he’s never driven a motorcycle or a moped or anything like that. “The only thing I’ve ever driven is a bicycle.” With humor to match his nerves, he adds “I can’t wipe out with Ali on here. I can’t be the dude who kills The Bachelorette. That’s just not gonna look good.” Ali tells the camera delicately, “Chris had a little bit of a difficult time getting used to the moped. Chris was going pretty slow on the scooter, sort of like our relationship.” (Ouch!) Better pick up the pace, Bay State boy!

Thanks for the scoop Tim! …I’m not gonna ask.

5 Responses to “Bachelorette test her date’s scooter skills”

  1. Dave Says:

    I can for give the moped scooter thing.

    But what the %@#@ were they thinking!

    When is it ok to have a first time rider carry a passenger in traffic no less.
    And then complain he wasn’t going fast enough.
    It could have gone so wrong so fast it would not have been funny.


  2. Tom Says:

    That looks like about 80% of the noobs that left my shop after buying their first scooter. And yes, this is after I warned them of all the dangers and gave them as many safety tips as I could.


  3. Steve Says:

    You know, that’s the one bad thing about having such an approachable vehicle. Scooters are like the Giant Panda of the motorcycle world! They look cute and cuddly, but if treated without respect, they could tear your ass UP!

    This has been a public service announcement from TheScooterScoop safety network.


  4. Dave Says:

    Amen You can tear you self up just as badly dumping a 50cc scooter at 35 mph as some one dumping 1000cc sports bike at the same speed.


  5. Tim Says:

    Hey, that’s quality entertainment!


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