Salt’s Liev Schreiber talks about his Vespa on The Daily Show

Sun, Aug 1, 2010


Watch, at 4min 33sec (drag the bar to here ^ because I couldn’t get the SeekTo function to work), to see a straight faced Liev Schreiber talk about his transition from motorcycle to Vespa while the well trained audience chuckles in anticipation of a Stewart Joke like so many Pavlov’s dogs. Watch as Liev schools Jon on the difference between a scooter and a moped and then reminisce over the time they rode cupcake.

(photo courtesy of EcoRazzi)

5 Responses to “Salt’s Liev Schreiber talks about his Vespa on The Daily Show”

  1. Jeffraham Prestonian Says:

    Why isn’t he using the curry hook?


  2. Sporty Says:

    Hinged helmet = No chin in a crash, If your going to wear a brain bucket STRAP IT ON!!!!!!!!


  3. Steve Guzman Says:

    Yeah! Good catch, both of ya! Maybe the paparazzi gave him the jitters… you know, a “look Mah! No Hands!” moment. I think that happened to Tom Cruise not too long ago, except he wrecked his bike.


  4. Tim Says:

    Why did he have to get rid of his motorcycle? Do kids spontaneously burst into flames when a parent has a motorcycle?



  1. What We’re Reading: Motorcycle News - Wheels Blog - - 06. Aug, 2010

    [...] On “The Daily Show,” Jon Stewart and Liev Schreiber reminisced about the time that Mr. Stewart rode on the, uh, passenger seat on Mr. Schreiber’s [...]

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